Tuesday 25 September 2012

Avengers 1.0

I decided to do an in depth analysis of some of the characters in the film (because I'm a neek like that, don't judge me). I have valid reasons for doing so:

Wunnn: I love the film far too much.

Two: I was gonna do a review on the Dark Knight Rises, but I'm gonna wait for that to come out on DVD to refresh my memory. That film is still a blur for me, it was too amazing.

Three: This in depth analysis will actually help me with my media studies in college, hopefully. 

All the characters are stars in their own right, and they should get all the credit they deserve for this film. Seriously, too fab.

Who's up first?

1.  *Megaphone voice* Captain America.

Love this guy. He's got such a sweet, innocent face. And his smile just makes ya heart melt. I have to admit, sometimes I couldn't take him seriously because of his outfit. To be honest, it wasn't just the outfit, it was the HELMET. It's not even a helmet. It's more like a piece of fabric. It just looks so amateur it makes me laugh. There was a scene in the film where Barton, Black Widow and him are walking in uber slow motion, and he just looks like a child in an outfit he was made to wear. Barton is in his leather suit, muscley arms fully exposed, Widow in her skin tight leather, and Captain America in his spandex. Bless. Don't get me wrong I like his suit, I just don't like the helmet/ fabric/ du-rag thing.
Anyway throughout the film he plays the voice of reason; the guy always to stop the arguments and fights, the one giving out orders etc. In essence he is a Captain after all, and he plays this role significantly well. He fits the bill: big muscles, toned physique, tin tin hair and the deep tone of seriousness to his voice.

Favourite Lines: "What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" 

2. Thor aka Sir Lightning Bolt.

He is a hottie isn't he? My love for Thor has continued from the Thor film which I loved. Not as much as the Avengers, but I loved it. His golden hair that sits comfortably on his broad shoulders, that Australian accent (wehey mate), and THOSE arms. *Drools*. No one else could've played him the way he does. For me in the film he plays the role of the alpha male, but doesn't flaunt the fact that he is somewhat above everyone else. He's a god for goodness sake. You can't get much higher than that. He is a loveable character, but you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him, because I guarantee that him and his trust worthy friend of a hammer, will not be very happy. Talking of hammer, he does use it very well, with lots of strength and vigour. That's somewhat expected, since he's the only one that can actually pick it up. The relationship between him and Loki, is still explored in the Avengers, and it's nice to see that he does still care about him regarding the circumstances.

Favourite Lines: "He's adopted".

3. Iron Man aka Stark aka Metal Man (seriously people underrate the moment when Thor called Stark metal man).

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist". Yeah you heard right. I love how Stark has stayed the same since the previous Iron Man films to the Avengers. His character hasn't changed. He's still the arrogant, annoying, boastful money maker that a lot of people hate. But we all LOVE him because of that. He likes to think of himself as an alpha male I think. He might not have the looks of one, but he sure does have the brains. His witty and sarcastic one liners make up his character as well as his raw emotion that he shows to remind us all that he is still human. For example when he couldn't really deal with the loss of Coulson (poor guy). I'm certainly looking forward to what he has to offer in Iron Man 3 next year too. Cannot wait.

Favourite Lines: "Shakespeare in the park".

4. Dr. Banner aka The Hulk.

For me, Banner made me love this film even more. I haven't been a fan of the previous Hulk films, but he plays this one out really well. His twitchiness as a character makes you somewhat uneasy watching, as you wanna know when he's just going to turn into a 'big green rage monster'. Witnessing Stark also trying to egg him on is really funny. Ruffalo does a good job of playing a shy, uneasy, yet scientific genius, as well as the big green intimidating monster we all know so well. One of my favourite scenes has to be the Hulk vs. Loki. I felt so sorry for the big guy when Loki called him a 'foul creature'. His facial expression afterwards was like if you took a dummy away from a baby. He genuinely looked so disheartened. But being the Hulk, he didn't take this lightly and he nearly broke Loki. So much so, he was left wincing in the floor. And yes, I meant IN the floor.

Favourite Lines: "Puny God", & "His mind is like a bag of cats, you can smell crazy on him".

5. Romanoff aka Black Widow & Barton aka Hawkeye.

These two. I thought we were gonna see a little 'something something' going on. I sensed the sexual tension. I have little to say, that Scarlet you looked fab in your leather, and the way you dealt with those Russians twas amazeballs. And Barton you have very nice arms and you shoot your arrow like no other.

Favourite Lines: Widow- "I don't see how that's a party". Hawk-"I have unfinished business with Loki". 

6. Nick Fury.

I don't have much to say on Fury, but I think without him in the film, it wouldn't have been the same. The eye patch is still an ongoing mystery; I wanna know what happened. His all black attire makes him that more mysterious and secretive, yet shows 'who's boss'. Jackson's voice by itself just makes you think of someone who should be more superior than everyone else. His conversation with 'real power' (aka Loki) confirmed this, and we saw how he doesn't seemed to be phased at all by potential threats. He may deep down, but he doesn't show it as much. He just screws up his face in that Samuel L. Jackson manner.

Favourite Lines: "Let me know if real power wants a magazine or something" & "Stupid ass idea".

7. Phil Coulson. 

I have to write something on Coulson. Can't believe Loki killed him like that. Coulson is for me like an unsung hero of the film; even though he doesn't play such a big role, his role is significant enough for him to contribute a big enough part in the film. He so sweet and calm and a big kid at heart; he wouldn't stop going on about his vintage set of Captain America trading cards. Bless him.

Favourite Lines: "Oh, that's what it does".

8. Loki aka The Wannabe God.

I could do a whole blog on this guy. He's sooooo evil, but I love him for that. Loki is a mischievous, evil, menacing, cunning person. He just craves a piece of the limelight. He's jealous of his brother, envious of what he has achieved and always seems to bring up the fact that he was 'in his shadow' and the 'left one out' to make people feel sorry for him. That menacing smile that he conjures up every now and again gives you goosebumps. He is such a wind up it's unbelievable. It's either that or his brain isn't functioning in the right way it should be. He's the master of mischief; often creating illusions to fool people. Most of the time it's on his own brother, which ended up in Thor being trapped in a cage instead of himself. That scene was quite funny I have to admit.
That stick thing he carried around as well, made his presence even worse. He would just casually stab people with it like it was normal. What sane person does that? (Bearing in mind he killed 80 people in 2 days).
His green cape and his cow horn helmet adds to the fact that he thinks he's more superior than everyone else and he knows everything there is to know about living. Tom Hiddelston plays the part of Loki really well, and I can't wait to see what else he has up his sleeve in the second Thor film.
We all love a supervillian with a British accent.

Favourite Lines: "Have you ever learned not to fall for that?" & "Can I have that drink now?"

I could've sat here for another couple of hours writing up stuff on the characters, but I hope you enjoy reading my ideas/ views on them. Here are some amusing pictures I found on my best friend that is Google. Enjoy.