Monday 1 October 2012

Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself....

See what i did there with the Jay Z lyrics? Eh? Eh? (Wink wink nudge nudge).

I thought I should actually write a little about myself before I actually start fully posting anything. But I hate writing/ speaking about myself in any shape or form so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.

Currently I am in my last year of 6th form college, and hopefully plan to go to my desired uni being Bournemouth. I wanna do Multimedia Journalism there, and their course looks amazing; I really do hope I get in. Fingers crossed.

But yeah, I wanna go into the whole journalism end of things, especially film journalism because I LOVE writing about films and characters, actors and actresses etc. I just enjoy airing my opinion, even if people don't see it, it's nice to just get it down somewhere.

So, this blog is just going to be me jib jabbing on about films that I have watched/ are watching, films that i watch in my film club in college, maybe stuff I hear in the film world about films I might comment on it and stuff, so yes please feel free to have a read, it would be much appreciated so yeah enjoy!!!

Happy reading!!! :D

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