Sunday 21 October 2012

Frankenstein + Something Weenie = Frankenweenie.

Today I went on an adventure. Into the crazyfied mind of Tim Burton, which I always love doing, because his work is amazing. Alice and Wonderland, Charlie and the Choco Factory, Nightmare Before Xmas, Edward Scissorhands etc etc.

Nothing that he does fails to interest me. He's crazy but he has his own style which I really like. 

But enough of that, the reason I'm writing about him is because I went to a Frankenweenie Exhibition at the BFI on London's Southbank to see how the film was made, story line of the film and I also got to see the actual puppets they used in the film. From what I learned, it took about two years to complete, since it's a stop motion animation it's bound to take donkey years to finish. I saw each of the characters puppets, demonstrations in how they moved and stuff like that. What amazed me was the scale of everything. They were quite big, but still quite small, Some of the props looked soooooo authentic it was unbelievable and the time it must have took to get little minute details must have been on another level.
We also had a talk with one of the animators, Mark Waring, who worked on Corpse Bride and Fantastic Mr Fox, who told us how he got to where he is, going through the process of animating the film etc etc. It would have been so beneficial for anyone who wanted to go into animation/ stop motion in the future. It just interesting to listen to. But anyway, I'll put some pictures below of some stuff I saw.

(Lol, me and my friend attempting a Weird Girl impression).

Got me some freebies as well. 

I got a Sparky mask, and a keepsake photograph of me and two other friends peering through a classroom window. Ooo, and we also grabbed a few free 3D glasses. Bargain hunting IS the way forward.

All, in all, it was a really good experience and I'm really glad I went. I'm kinda gutted that I didn't go to a lot of the other stuff during film week, as this was the last day the BFI had anything on. But next year I'm on it.

I might write a review on this as well, I wanna watch it in the half term now :D.

Edgar: "The dog is alivvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".

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