Thursday 2 May 2013

I Haven't Disappeared. You'll never get rid of me.

Oh my gaddddddd,,

It seems like FOREVERRR. I haven't written a post on here for what seems like years. I have a reason, it's a good one.

I have SOO much work to do! A levels are actually taking over my life. Uni. UCAS. Finance. Uni. Alevels. Exams. Uni. Accomodation. Finance. Uni. Rest of your life. Exams. Alevels... It just goes round in a vicious circle it's unbelievable. 

So that is why I have literally had NIL time to post anything on here recently. I haven't given up on my love of writing. No. Never. It's just that some things are more of a priority, i.e. the rest of life and failing exams not being a part of that :)


I am going to be doing a couple of posts, hopefully in depth ones, on some of the amazing films coming out this summer. I've already watched Iron Man 3.... OH MA GADDD :O (If you haven't already, I truly recommend). I have to see that again though, as my excitement made me overlook the deeper meaning of the film. Plus the D Box seats I was in. 

But on the cards are;

The Great Gatsby- by my main man Baz (I love this guy). His artistic eye for detail makes me want to paint pictures.

Superman.- Hehe, Nolan returns (pew).

Star Trek Into Darkness- Chris Pine returns. And Sherlock Holmes. But he's a bad guy. We think.

Despicable Me 2- The minions return, as does my childhood.

And many more to look forward too...

I promise to write about all these films. like for real. My summer is going to be a long one, and I need to get back into the groove of things again, and get loads of stuff done and accomplished before I go to Uni!